I didn't manage a post to my blog last week.  I did run, another 20 miler in fact, but I just didn't have the wherewithal to think of anything positive afterwards.  

When I set out it was all so different.  Full of confidence from my positive experience in the Spitfire 20 at Dunsfold the previous week and merrily penning blogs in my head about how far I'd come since this time last year as I trotted up Portsdown Hill 3 miles in.  For the first 12 or 13 miles things seemed OK and I ran at a pace consistent with the week before.  By 15 miles I'd started to realise things were a whole lot harder than before, even though my route was flatter.  By mile 16 I was slowing and by miles 19 and 20 I was nigh on crawling.  When I eventually made it through the front door my legs felt like they were on fire and I did not feel good at all.  The obligatory ice bath passed in a haze and it was a good hour and a large helping of beans on toast before I felt even near to human again.  

At best lesson learned, at worst confidence shot.

Having taken stock, and some advice, I realised that I was probably pushing myself too hard with two 20 mile runs in 6 days with too little fuel in the tank.

This weekend saw a welcome step down in distance as I took part in the Reading Half Marathon.  The idea, after last week ,was to take it easy for the first 8 or 9 miles, get my confidence back and then push on if I felt OK.  I also tempted fate and had a little breakfast before the race.  For some time now I've been very conscious of a delicate stomach when I run and have avoided all food before a run.  It was this lack of fuel it seems that was a major fact in my bonk last week.

Conditions where horrible, though the crowds still came out in droves, and I bowled along with the general flow of the 18,000 runners.  After 3 miles I realised I was going way too fast for my plan and slowed myself down, but my pace kept on creeping up.  Looking back at my mile splits ( I won't bore you with the numbers) this carried on for the whole of the first 10 miles as I slowed only to speed back up again.  By this point I realised my plan was shot so I just went with it and ran the race.  I was obviously over whatever troubled me last week and felt good the whole way.  A couple of quicker miles at the end as the road rose back up towards Madejski Stadium and I ended up only 30 seconds outside my Half Marathon PB.  If I'd run with a plan to beat it I could have smashed it.  

Confidence back and feeling good again.

Next week sees me back on the big miles as I attempt my last 20+ miler before my tapering starts and I wind down towards the big day (only 4 weeks away now!!).  Let's hope I feel as good as I did this week and let's hope the peanut butter on toast does it's magic again.  If not, let's hope the council haven't shut all of those public toilets in Southsea that  they're threatening to yet!
3/25/2013 03:58:24 am

Looks like someone needs a big hug! I can dress up as Kylie or au natural, the choice is yours........

Keep going, the end is in sight. As they say, every journey (or run) begins with one step and who knows where you will end up.


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