It seemed somehow fitting that I just happened to be in Las Vegas as Week 1 Day 1 of my training for the Brighton Marathon rolled around.  When deciding to take on the marathon distance for the first time you are, of course, taking something of a gamble.  Over the next 20 weeks I'll be taking myself out of my comfort zone, adding longer distances than I've ever run before and more and more weekly miles.  Will my body (and mind) cope or will my running aspirations be left broken and lying in the gutter along with the ones I had about winning anything at the poker tables this weekend?!
It may well have been somehow fitting that I woke up in Vegas but the reality was that it made getting my fist run of my schedule completed much harder.  Needing to be up and out for a 6am taxi to the airport with a weekend full of over-indulgence in my belly meant I was never going to be able to run in the morning.  Last time I took an internal flight from Las Vegas I sat in the cafe waiting for the flight to be called while a group near to me snorted powder off of the table and toasted the anniversary of their first threesome with copious amounts of tequila.  This definitely a crazy, crazy place!  

Anyhow, no such interesting diversions to keep me from my coffee this morning and, once landed and transferred to the office for the day, there was no chance to run until after dark.  Since running along the 880 Freeway in the dark didn't appeal my first run of my first week of official training for my first marathon took place........... on a treadmill.

Never mind, at least (and at last) I'm underway and am now "in training".  The goal that I've pondered for a year or so is now tangibly in sight and I am actively working towards it.  If you see me and I look determined and deep in thought it will probably be because I'm in the zone and determined that nothing will stop me making it to that finish line on April 14.  Or it could be because I lost a teeny bit more in Vegas than I've yet told Emma about...

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