I ran 20 miles yesterday.  Who cares?  

Well unless you're me, my wife or maybe my parents there's nothing that says you have to.

When you're running long distances, especially if you run without music as I prefer to, you get to ask yourself inane questions like this and time to work out an answer.  I had to ask myself this question yesterday because there was a severe danger that my 20 mile run was going to be about a tenth of that size.  After last week's efforts in the cold and rain at Reading I'd only run once, on Tuesday, and my legs had felt empty.  Two weeks before, when I last attempted 20, I'd literally run myself off of my feet and felt not well at all.  So adding this to the fact that Saturday morning was wet, grey, cold, windy and generally pretty shitty and my spirits as I set out were not high.  I suppose getting out of the door at all was a good sign, but by the time I'd finished the first mile I was already telling myself that I didn't have to carry on any further.  In fact maybe I couldn't.  It was just too cold, running 20 miles is just too far for me.  I should probably just forget this whole marathon malarky, get over myself and go and sit in the warm.  Who would care right if I didn't do it anyway?

As I say, you get to ask yourself some inane questions when you're out running.  You also have to answer them.  Not only that you have to answer them at times when you feel low, when it's painful and when the easy answer would be a whole lot.....easier.  You can also get quite emotional, so forgive me if I come across as all a bit high maintenance here, but here was my answer..

I do care.  Caring is, I worked out, about 99% of what's good in the world.  If you care about the job you do every day, you will do it well and you will likely prosper.  If you care about your fellow man (or woman), you will help them when you can and they, if they care, will do the same for you.  If you care about your environment, you'll keep it tidy and clean, and others will follow your lead.  If you care about your health then you'll treat yourself well, set a good example for your children and they will follow.  If you care you'll have the right attitude to your life and it will be a more pleasant existence.

Pretty over the top for someone who is just out for a run right.  And all of those things above are in a different league to the subject at hand.  Well maybe, but when you're in an adverse situation you have to find out what kind of a person you are. I found out that I wanted to care whether I made it round yesterday.  Not only have I put in a huge effort to this point but many people have supported me.  The response to my sponsorship pleas (at the time of writing the total is around £850), the generosity shown by a friend whose business put up the prize without a second thought, the advice and encouragement I've received from fellow runners, the interest in what I'm doing from everyone who I talk to about it.  All of this has been amazing and shown that people really do care.  

And so I ran.  

I ran 20 miles yesterday and ticked off one of my major goals in my preparation for Brighton in three weeks time.  More than that though, I ran 20 miles yesterday and I was pretty fucking pleased with myself afterwards.

By the way, if you have to ask what the other 1% is that's good in the world the you've obviously never seen the video to Spinning Around by Kylie Minogue.  Have a good week wherever you are.  I'll be in taper, reducing my training volume and a whole lot less emotional by the next blog I'm sure (and you hope).

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